Ronnie Rocket (also titled The Absurd Mystery of the Strange Forces of Existence) was a screenplay that was written by director David Lynch in 1977, after the successful release of his cult film Eraserhead. As an avid Lynch fan, (especially of the original Twin Peaks series - see my Pink Sweat series) I chose the Ronnie Rocket screenplay for my major design assignment during the second year of my Master in Production Design for Screen at Melbourne University in 2014. Whilst the assignment requested a production design response to a chosen screenplay - I decided to pursue my interest in the concept of World Building as it applies to screen design narratives.

I extended the narrative of the original screenplay to expand the world within the story, and by doing so attempted to create a rich visual framework that logically interconnects to both the storyline and the world itself, based on the proposed visual and textual elements. Below is a visual response to the screenplay (as to date, there has been no Ronnie Rocket film produced by Lynch or anyone else), and interconnecting elements that I visioned would make up the world of Ronnie Rocket through found images, created images, illustrations and graphics, and textual descriptions of how this world would exist and relate to itself.
